Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer is flying by!

Summer is flying by.  In case you haven't read any of my other posts, I am a teacher and am on a two month vacation from work! It is really flying by way too fast!

I have managed to go on two trips. One with my family to the river and a couple trip to New Orleans.  I am pretty satisfied with myself-that I was able to endure the activity and survive the weeks after.

Of course,  getting to sleep in every day and not having to go to work sure makes things so much better!  I have been working since I was sixteen years old, but it would make the quality of my life so much better if I didn't have to work anymore.  It is so hard to be a teacher and a mother with Lupus.

One thing that has been helping me other than tons of rest is gratitude. Being able to just look at the little things in my life that bring me joy and being grateful for the things I can accomplish have made me so much happier.   So here is a list of my "gratitudes":

☆I walked one mile today
☆I made dinner instead of take-out
☆I wrote a blog entry


  1. Hi I'm Valerie and I also have Lupus. It is SUPER important to be grateful and not pity yourself with this illness, I completely agree! I love you have that attitude. :)
    You are right the most important thing is being able to rest to allow your body time to heal instead of pumping it full of medications so you feel 'normal' aka HORRIBLE out in public settings. Have you looked into Social Security Disability? Or filed STD with your insurance or FMLA with your employer? There are options like that available and take so much stress and energy draining activities out of your life. Let me know if I can help guide you to other information! I was a financial analyst and worked for two years during my first flare before I finally had to be honest with myself and STOP pushing myself and take the help and not feel guilty about healing at home.

    1. Thanks so much Valerie. Last school year I did have to take a temporary leave because I was out so much. It made me feel like an incompetent worker. As far as looking into SS disability, I have not just because we are so dependent on my paycheck. I feel like I am stuck. :-(


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