Well, you could only guess that this year really brought the lupus out with a vengeance. I went to my principal again with information on lupus and begged to be moved to another position and he moved me to 7th grade ELA where the students have to take and pass a reading, writing, and grammar test. I have always been able to handle everything and anything but I started calling in sick way more often than they liked. By Christmas break, I knew I had to do something and when my coworkers started insinuating that I was faking, I decided to take the administration's suggestion to take a sick leave. I was out from January to the end of April.
Then whole time I was thinking that I needed to return but they replaced me on week after I took my leave so the district placed me in an elementary school for the month of May. I was placed in a Read 180 position which was absolutely perfect for me. I was so excited because I was in a job I could handle. I was working with 4-6 students at a time for about 45 minutes. It was perfect because of my limitations but also because of my qualifications. I have 27 graduate hours in Reading so I felt God was opening another window for me. I was shocked when the principal of the school told me she had no job for me because she already had someone in mind for my job. That was it...the district then sent me back to 7th grade ELA again.
The next school year, which was 2014-2015, I only made it to October of course. My lupus was out of control. By this time, I had gotten diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Sjogren's Syndrome as well.
I went straight to Central Office and begged them for a compatible job even accepting a job as a teacher assistant but they never called me back. Then one day in April I received a letter stating I was fired and had lost my insurance....oh, and they sent my 15 year award with my husband.
Since then, I have been so depressed. I can barely get out of bed because of the pain but I know that the depression makes things so much worse. Here I am, 41 years old, and I feel thrown away. My family is struggling to keep up with our bill since I am on disability insurance and they pay me so much less. My insurance is about to run out so I am desperately applying for jobs in the closest three cities. I am applying for jobs as a teacher aide or a computer lab assistant. I applied for a job as a part-time tutor, but I have only been called back for one interview and they have filled the jobs I am overqualified for without even allowing me to interview!
What is going on here?! I feel that these districts are not calling me because they know I have a disabling disease through my past employer. Could this be the end of my career? I don't know what to do but keep applying, sending out emails, and calling the schools personally but it stinks that they hired one of my former students as a teacher with 0 years experience and I wasn't even interviewed.
If anyone thinks that people living with lupus or fibromyalgia ask for disability to get money out of the government, I hope this changes your point of view. I have to live with pain every day of my life and now I have no way to make a living. I feel like an empty shell of my former vibrant, energetic and successful self.
All thanks to this great herbal doctor who cured me from (LUPUS DISEASE) his name is dr imoloa. I suffered lupus disease for over 8 years with pains like: joints, Skin rash, Pain in the chest, swollen joints and many more. The anti-inflammatory drugs couldn’t cure me, until I read about his recommendation. 2 months ago, I contacted him through his email address. drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com . and he sent me the herbal treatment through DHL courier service and he instructed me on how to drink it for good two weeks. after then, And I was confirmed cured and free at the hospital after taken his powerful herbal medications You too can be cured with it if interested, he also uses his powerful herbal healing medicine to cure disease like:parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy, Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumour, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disk Disease, cardiovascular disease, Neoplasms, chronic respiratory disease, mental and behavioural disorder, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma, Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, back pain, impotence, feta alcohol spectrum, Dysthymic Disorder, Eczema, skin cancer, tuberculosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, bone cancer, lungs cancer, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis A.B.C., syphilis, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, Huntington's Disease, back acne, Chronic renal failure, addison disease, Chronic Pain, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major Depression, Malignant Melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease Contacts him today and get permanently cured..[email] drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com /whatssapp-+2347081986098.