As I have said before, I am a teacher and I am two day from being free!!! Yes...I am 48 hours (give or take) from being able to sleep in and have to deal with my own kids for a change! I had been feeling so terrible lately with extreme fatigue, but I started Prednisone again last week and it gave me the necessary boost to make it through 8th grade Prom decorating, Powder Puff flag football, my daughters dance recital, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students at the end of the school year, and everything else the last week of school brings for teachers. I have made it through 7 straight days of work without calling in. In fact, I haven't had to call in since starting the Prednisone.
Now, on one hand this "miracle drug" has allowed me to go about my life almost like a normal working mom these past two weeks, but on the other hand, I am at the highest weight ever in my life. I hate to dwell on this topic because it shouldn't really matter right? It does matter though. I just looked at my picture in the school yearbook and it is just depressing. I looked round and puffy and pretty much exhausted. It is B A D! Depression is something I struggle with so often and this weight gain and the physical changes I have gone through in the past two years do not make things easy. I had a picture of myself and my husband from two years ago on my filing cabinet and one student stood there shocked and said, " looked," and couldn't quite finish that statement out of fear of hurting my feelings but I knew what she was thinking. I looked pretty and thin and now I don't.
Well, I guess that is life. A struggle to weigh the good with the bad. In order for me to get out of the house and work and take my kids to recitals, I have to deal with a lower self-esteem and bigger clothes. But, I do still wish I didn't have to make these choices. I wish I wasn't sick with this horrible illness. I hope that everyone out there realizes how lucky they are that they don't have to make these choices and appreciate their healthy lives.
After my experience w/ serioids - weight gain, complete loss of voice (family grateful lol ) I refuse them