This week I made it through an entire week at work without taking a day off! This might not seem like a big deal to most, but people with lupus know how difficult little things are. I wanted to call in so badly, but I talked myself into going to work; literally sitting on the edge of my bed at 5:30 am talking to myself out loud: "You could do this! You could take it easy! Do what you can! You could rest all weekend!"
The bad thing is that I couldn't and didn't take my daughter to gymnastics on Friday or dance on Saturday because I was so tired. Living with Lupus is a damn game of choices and trade-offs: do I pay the bills or spend time with my kids?
Well, it's Sunday today and it's turned out to be a pretty good day. I watched a movie with my husband in bed, I got out of bed and cleaned the kitchen and living room, and I actually had a meal with the family instead of in bed. All in all, a good day.