Thursday, April 11, 2013

This is Lupus!

I have started following a few blogs of really remarkable women with Lupus that deal with it with a wonderful positive attitude and they look great. So I think what the hell is wrong with me!?

I can't go a day without complaining about something hurting or bitching about something!

Today, I didn't go to work because I became overwhelmed in the morning when I couldn't find shoes for my daughter and Clothes for my boys to go to school. The anxiety mixed in with the fatigue just took over and I had to call in sick. Another missed day-another pitiful check next month! So, l went back to bed and no one went to school except my husband. He actually threw it in my face that he was paying most of the bills now that I was "Choosing" to stay home so often now. Of course, he didn't get the Kids dressed and take them to school because that is my job! And, he wonders why I am overwhelmed and sick and tired and anxious!

So here I am in bed again in an inside out school shirt that belongs to my husband because none of my Clothes fit Comfortably anymore while my kids make more of a mess in the house! Am I the only Lupus patient that doesn't have it all together and Can't Keep the house clean and the laundry washed and not in 2 giant piles (clean/dirty) and can't keep her husband "Satisfied"?

Phew! I am a hot mess as they say! l want to be positive but the only thing I could do is laugh at myself so I don't cry because now on top of it all, I have breakthrough joint pain even though I already took Vicodin and Celebrex and Tramadol.

This is me with Lupus moon face and all!


  1. Look beautiful sweety and I dont have Lupus but I do have Fibro and other health problems and no I can't keep my house cleaned or get things together either and my husband is not satified either and I got some female problems going on as well so I cant even satify him that way either :( all you can do is do your best that is what I try to do I am sure no matter what your family loves you and deep down they do understand xoxo love ya godbless *Anne*

    1. Thanks Annette! I've gained so much weight it's starting to affect my self- esteem! LOL! I understand your pain too as I also have Fibro and Sjogrens to boot! Sometimes I can tolerate the joint pain but the Fibro muscle aches and fatigue kill me! I appreciate your comments!

  2. Just found your blog and LOVE it! I have Lupus, been through the pednisone weight, and even used a phone app to track calories and excersize. Lol And I can really identify with this post. My marraige just ended because he felt I was no longer "carrying my weight" (and he's just a jerk). He said he got tired of the "Lupus excuse", because, you know, I CHOSE to be unable to do work full time, and do all the housework, and have a social life. I'd so much RATHER put a dent in this side of the couch by sitting on my prednisone bloated fat butt! Anyway, just always nice to see someone else that get's it. Great blog!

  3. Just found your blog and LOVE it! I have Lupus, been through the pednisone weight, and even used a phone app to track calories and excersize. Lol And I can really identify with this post. My marraige just ended because he felt I was no longer "carrying my weight" (and he's just a jerk). He said he got tired of the "Lupus excuse", because, you know, I CHOSE to be unable to do work full time, and do all the housework, and have a social life. I'd so much RATHER put a dent in this side of the couch by sitting on my prednisone bloated fat butt! Anyway, just always nice to see someone else that get's it. Great blog!

  4. Just found your blog and LOVE it! I have Lupus, been through the pednisone weight, and even used a phone app to track calories and excersize. Lol And I can really identify with this post. My marraige just ended because he felt I was no longer "carrying my weight" (and he's just a jerk). He said he got tired of the "Lupus excuse", because, you know, I CHOSE to be unable to do work full time, and do all the housework, and have a social life. I'd so much RATHER put a dent in this side of the couch by sitting on my prednisone bloated fat butt! Anyway, just always nice to see someone else that get's it. Great blog!

  5. Just found your blog and LOVE it! I have Lupus, been through the pednisone weight, and even used a phone app to track calories and excersize. Lol And I can really identify with this post. My marraige just ended because he felt I was no longer "carrying my weight" (and he's just a jerk). He said he got tired of the "Lupus excuse", because, you know, I CHOSE to be unable to do work full time, and do all the housework, and have a social life. I'd so much RATHER put a dent in this side of the couch by sitting on my prednisone bloated fat butt! Anyway, just always nice to see someone else that get's it. Great blog!

  6. Just found your blog and LOVE it! I have Lupus, been through the pednisone weight, and even used a phone app to track calories and excersize. Lol And I can really identify with this post. My marraige just ended because he felt I was no longer "carrying my weight" (and he's just a jerk). He said he got tired of the "Lupus excuse", because, you know, I CHOSE to be unable to do work full time, and do all the housework, and have a social life. I'd so much RATHER put a dent in this side of the couch by sitting on my prednisone bloated fat butt! Anyway, just always nice to see someone else that get's it. Great blog!

  7. Sue S, thanks for your positive comments. Writing this blog is Keeping me sane so I am glad it's helping someone. My own teenage son told me I was using my illness to my advantage; to get sympathy because I was asking for help from him and my husband. I went to the hospital that day and both of them felt guilty but the very next day they were both asking me to get out of bed and Do SOMETHING !


Please tell me what you think.